Being Girl Dad

I’m a girl dad. Us girl dads are a special lot. I like to think we are a special club. We are raising the most powerful humans on the planet.

I ran into a lady yesterday while getting a haircut. She had two twin boys, the cutest little guys, in the chairs getting simultaneous haircuts. They even had matching Carhartt sweatshirts. They were twins. Did I say that already??

She was waiting in the front chairs. I talked to her some. Told her a few thanksgiving jokes. I told her that the boys were handsome and getting awesome haircuts. I mentioned I’m a girl dad. She says she has 3 other children. 2 girls and another boy. She says boys are easier than girls. I’m happy about this because I’ve never heard a woman with actual, real world, first person comparable data to say this was definitely true. She even had more boys than girls. Meaning, three boys not a problem. two girls. A problem. LoL.

I wonder why boys are easier. I think it’s because boys and men are pretty simple. Fix things. Tinker with things. Use our brains to focus on one thing so intently the thing finally breaks or is fixed. Men are pretty simple. One step. One focus. We’re good.

Women / girls are not the opposite of this, but they have more horsepower in a lot of ways. They are able to do so many things at once. They do them well too. Women are more complicated. More wiring. A few more triggers and switches and caution signs. They are a more powerful computer.

As a girl dad, I find that raising amazing women will be the greatest single accomplishment of my lifetime. They are the emotion of the world. They are the leaders and the followers. They carry the burden of a higher frequency than I do and they will be greater than me for a lot of reasons. They will affect a larger circle of influence than I can imagine. I love to think that I’m influencing something greater than myself when I influence them.

My girls and all girls who have dads like me / like us. I’m not alone in my teachings to them, but I believe a father is the most important man for any woman. He’s always going to be her dad, no matter what lesser man comes along to woo her.

If he’s good. If he’s humble. If his values align and there are no conflicting beliefs and he can be admired as an example of a life lived well no matter what.

The girl is forever lifted up by him.