Women and Me…n

I thought older women would be a little more fun. I thought they wouldn’t ignore when angry or hurt. Or jump to conclusions when insecure. Or take the fact that I breath heavily as a threat. I thought they might communicate a little better or I’d be able to communicate better also. And finally, assign bad intent to all behaviors. Or at least most when they fell vulnerable or taken advantage of. This is the worst off all. Being ignored is second. Putting yourself in a vulnerable position to try to get her attention, but being ignored instead.

Anyway. nope. None of this is true. They still ignore, assign bad intent, and jump to conclusions. view me as a threat. It’s not me. but …

It’s me. I know I’m the problem. I can see now that it must be me. I don’t live where all women all like this. So, it must be me. I’ll be over here in my corner, ladies. Don’t want to fight you anymore. You’re goood over there in your corner. Don’t need my permission to stay there, but you have my blessing. I’ve realized I’m worse than the bear. I’ll learn from it.
