Often I find myself concerned about, reading about, learning about things I have no control over. Why? It’s easier. It’s easier to think about the things you don’t control as opposed to the things you do. If you think about what you do control, what you can change, it requires work. It requires action. I can’t concentrate on say “losing weight” without actually doing the work. It would be like sitting in a chair watching men run on a field and hit each other while drinking and eating bad things. Oh wait, I do that too.
I often frame the thing I don’t control in a personal manner. The thing I don’t control is hurting me emotionally because there’s people in my life following that path. I don’t want to watch them go down that path. So, I try to persuade. I try to rationalize. I argue and make a fuss over things I don’t control. I read about the ridiculous things that are happening and focus on “how can anyone believe this is an effective direction?” and I argue against it.
I’ve been hurt a lot by these arguments. Told I’m trying to force them into my way of thinking. Told I don’t love them as much as I hate whatever it is that I’m trying to direct against.
That’s not true. I think love means you care about someone enough to tell them when it’s a difficult path they are taking. You’re not indifferent. You want alignment. You want courage to stand up alone.
The political climate in the US is so bad right now. We’ve just elected a demagogue to be president AGAIN! This man is such a moron and his followers or at least his voters don’t see the evil he is. Some people were indifferent about him. Some believed his bullshit. It’s not surprising. Since Reagan came along people have been enticed by the “conservative.” That it’s the better way. They think allowing all the “lefties” to get their way means anarchy and they judge like they are God. Like they think God wants them more than anyone else. I’m not saying who is right, but I can definitely say, what someone else does with their own body in their own life, not anyone else’s business.
Until you start killing people and affecting their lives, taking away care, refusing to help when the sick have given you so much. People are dying from lack of care. The CEO of United Health put in an AI system with a 90% error rate. He denied the thing that his company was supposed to provide. Health Care and he denied it for profit. No one deserves that kind of treatment from a company and that’s what this man did. HE led it. The only way to fight this kind of evil is with death. That’s just a simple truth. But then the United States thinks no one deserves to die. Unless you can’t pay for life. Then you deserve to die.

I don’t like what’s happening in the US right now. A CEO of a health care company was murdered. This murder has gained so much attention. If I was murdered and the killer just walked away. Randomly. No trace. That’s it. Why does this man get all the attention? Money. He had a lot of money. Did he deserve more money than most everyone else? He probably worked real hard, had a lot of advantages growing up, made some fortunate decisions, but in the end no one really deserves all that comes to them. Good or bad. I’m turning into a nihilist. I feel nothing. Nothing matters.
Anyway. I don’t control this. I find it fascinating.
Gun violence in response to a for-profit health care system that’s killing people is the most Amurican thing ever.