I’m not sure what to think about being ignored.
I’ve been ignored by a lot of people. There’s only a few that don’t ignore. If you are one of them, thank you.
I know everyone is busy, but sometimes being ignored by those that should be close is the worst. Why doesn’t my family answer me all the time? I assume I’ve done something wrong. I assume I must have. I guess. What’s to say the cause. It still hurts when I don’t hear anything back and the message gets buried. I scroll down the messages and see their name. Three weeks ago. I sent a “hello” or a funny something and got nothing back.
But there’s a principle. The way someone treats you is a reflection on them, not you.
One lady I met recently is totally ignoring me. She’s a neighbor. Saw her a couple days ago in passing on the sidewalk. She said hi. I said hi back and again said I was sorry that she wasn’t talking to me. I realize that’s not the right attitude, but that’s what I said. She just turned and walked in her apartment and closed the door.
I don’t blame her for shutting me out. She also said some shit that pissed me off to no end. I don’t know who threw the first stone. I think she was just conflicted and I called her out. Then I went too far by saying she can learn from me or continue to sit in her empty apartment and give strange men blow jobs like she has been. Yeah, that was probably too far.
I’ll accept the coldness from her. I deserve it.