The pain of apathy

I have known people that just couldn’t care less. They say “I don’t know or care about those things” or “That’s sad to not believe in anything.”

We all have a limited give a crap meter. No one can care about too much.

When I told a friend that another friend stopped believing in Christianity. They said, “That’s sad for them” not “that’s sad for the cause of that” They cared about the wrong thing. They were apathetic about the wrong thing. That hurt. That was painful for me.

I told another friend they weren’t being a friend. Their apathy was hurting me. They told me to move on. I said Ok. I didn’t say “if only you’d modify a little something about how you act” cause I don’t control that.

Both of these friends have chosen to care about things that didn’t include the right thing. They chose apathy over the wrong thing. And I’m hurt by it.