Did you know the show FRIENDS original names were “Friends Like Us” and “Six of One” and “Insomnia Cafe?” I’m glad it got the iconic name FRIENDS. It fits. It’s the best show about Friends. Other’s have come along and replicated it. New girl in particular, but New Girl was very uniquely different than FRIENDS. It was a single cam no audience or laugh track. The Big Bang Theory. Totally a friends rip off with science.
I’ve dreamed of having friends that live right across the hall. It was that way in college. That’s how I wish it could be still. You’d just go across the hall to see your friends and you could even find a lover. That’s such a idealistic American dream thing.
When I was young, I didn’t know what I wanted, but I know I wanted security. I wanted to be in the “best” group. I was in the best group for a while. It felt great. I wasn’t a huge contributor to being the best, but it was wonderful to be part of a group that other’s admired. We were one of the best. I thought. I was part of a family that was one of the best. I had friends that were the best. I wasn’t the best, but being a part of them made me feel like the best.
The TV Show FRIENDS was one of the best. It has held on as timeless for 20 years after it ended. It ended in May 2004. I remember because that was a significant time of change in my life.
I don’t want to fight for anyone to stay in touch. To stay in my life. I am enjoying a great group of friends right now that I’ve not had in years. It took me getting out of a marriage that was keeping me in constant anxiety that I had to prove my worth to see that I do have value and I don’t need to be married to know that I’m important and one of the best. I can do things on my own. I can do things and have traditions with wonderful friends. I have two amazing daughters that will eventually have their own friends and life and I look forward to guiding them into it. I hope I’m doing a good job now. Though it is tough.
If you have been my friend and we talk or you receive a personal message from me in a text message or Facebook comment or Facebook message, know that I consider you a friend. I consider you one of the best. You are in my group. My circle. You have no need to prove your worth. You have proved it in just your ability to not ignore. To not destroy. To not cause harm with words of “I don’t do that” or “Do what you want.” You are the amazing best of the best. I haven’t searched all over the world for you. You were brought to me by something greater than both of us.